Monday, December 3, 2012

My Journey Continued

I'm back again to continue my story on my quest for a literary agent.

As of today my novel and I are sitting at a standstill. I have been rejected by every agent that I have sent a query. Some of those agents have not even read a single page of my manuscript. I did recieve one request out of thirty to send five pages of my manuscript to an agent. Then I recieved the staggering blow of being rejected based on those five pages.

I emailed the agent again after my rejection to see if they could inform me what they found lacking in my novel. They did respond, but only to tell me that they did not have enough faith in my novel to push it foward. They thanked me but said that the business was too subjective for my work to be considered further.

I was grateful to know that I had at least gotten an agent to respond to my work, but still feel like I let myself down. I do not know what I need to do to make an agent read my sample chapters and say that's the one. I have immense pride in my novel and know that it deserves publication. If I could just find a way to make just one of those agents see what I see in my novel then there would be no problem. Still I know that they have to shuffle through thousands of queries everyday and are trying their hardest to earn a living every day. I do not blame the agents for my failure so far in the writing business. The novel is mine and if it is lacking a voice, then I must be lacking a voice somewhere in myself. There is nothing left to do in this journey but to keep sending out queries, and head back to the drawing board. I am passionate about my writing and I'm sure that the next time someone reads my novel there will be no aspect in which they will find it lacking.

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